Lalith Kishore.

Organic vs Inorganic Leads: The Insider Formula You Didn’t Know

Let’s start at the beginning of time. When marketing was born, there were two factions constantly at war with each other.

Published September 25th, 2023

Organic and inorganic marketing channels. One might assume that this has something to do with being a vegan or not, but one would be terribly wrong.

Organic marketing channels essentially draw customers towards the brand or product. While on the other end of the marketing spectrum, inorganic marketing generally employs methods that put the company in direct contact with potential leads.

So which is better?

If you’re running a company, chances are this question has crossed your mind at least once. The brutal truth is, you need to act on both fronts and get as many conversions as possible. Obviously, for different verticals both these methods will grant different levels of success. It ideally works like this, but your mileage may vary.

  • Inbound or organic marketing for B2C
  • Outbound or inorganic for B2B

Can you generate B2B leads organically?

Technically, yes. But the more important question you need to concern yourself with is the cost per lead. The established way to generate organic leads for B2B is through extensive marketing and branding. Giving valuable, high-quality content out for free is the best way to get people interested. Then, you pitch your product at the end (Like this blog). But the running costs would involve tremendous amounts of resources, effort, and more importantly, time.

Inorganic: It’s environmentally safe

Lead generation caters to business models that utilize larger sales pipelines. This is usually because of higher project values and complex technical requirements. In this scenario, inorganic leads have a massive advantage. Why? Because it gives you the option to directly contact key decision-makers, address their problems, and pitch your product or service as the solution.

Integrate Lead Generation to your pipeline

High profile deals are usually associated with B2B transactions where companies need various tools and services to improve efficiency, profits, and even to run their business. Companies process potential leads through dedicated pipelines designed to convert them. Integrate the following aspects to your existing pipeline to increase your conversion rate:

Email Is The Way To Go

It has proven to have the highest conversion rate among all marketing channels.

Stalk Your Customers

Find out where your prospective targets hang around on the internet and penetrate that space. For example, IT services might benefit from scouring for leads on LinkedIn.

Cover Events

Make them say no to your face, they’ll say no a lot lesser. Target your prospective clients directly by attending conferences, setting up stalls, promotional events, etc. The quality of leads you generate will be more effective since they have already shown interest.

Get On Your Phone

The reason cold calling is famous is it’s that effective. Cold calling works if you find the right people, contact them at the right time and give them the perfect pitch. It costs a lot but assuming the size of your deals is high enough, it would be worth it.

Targeted Advertisements

Utilize the digital revolution. Target your potential audience through different platforms such as paid Search Engine ads and social media ads.

What can you do?

If you’re working in the sales/marketing department of your company, sign up to get three leads from us for free right here. You’ll see how inorganic lead generation can improve your sales quota. We at LeadStreet, provide highly qualified B2B leads for your business.

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