Lalith Kishore.
Branding vs marketing

Branding vs Marketing — Defining the eternal debate

My friend, a devout marketer through and through and I always end up stuck in one conversation whenever my buddies gather for drinks.

Published September 30th, 2023

Does branding fall under design, or under marketing.

And we’ve never had a declarative answer to this question. But I can assure you, this post won’t help you with that either way. So if you’re looking for a pragmatic lesson and a definitive answer, find another Medium blog.

So here’s the thing. Me, a Product designer by profession and a self declared branding genius, strongly stand by the principle that Branding comes under design because I have full control (Read little to none) on the psychology of consumers through design (Color theory, shapes, and typography).

But here’s my friend’s take: Branding is a fundamental building block of marketing because without marketing, a good brand goes nowhere. And branding is essentially a marketer’s tool. Create awareness, project a vision, sell the product. Unfortunately, I agree.

Well, not entirely. If I did, you wouldn’t be reading this. Branding is a ‘tool’ for marketing as is any form of collateral. I believe it’s more of the square/rectangle scenario. Marketing is a part of branding, but branding doesn’t revolve around marketing alone.

And here’s why I believe in this. As a Product Designer, I’m not only spread over the developing, building, and deploying of a product, but I’m also strangely tied into the company. A company, I believe, is not just a conjunction of the owners, the employees and the product, but it transcends these things and also involves a healthy amount of organizational philosophies, culture, and societal impact. In part, me as a designer, am also tasked in building these aspects. To do that, my tool, is branding. You buy into these cultures and philosophies not just as a consumer, but as part of an ecosystem. You don’t just want to use Google and Apple products, you want to work there as well. Ask yourself why (besides money and the respect that comes with being associated with FAANG).

On that note, I’ll leave you guys to ponder the possibilities and some food for thought for your daydreams for your Sunday evening, just like me.

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