Lalith Kishore.
hearttalk Moodboard

HeartTalk — Audio-based mental health improvement

aerocreate | Branding, Application Design

A challenging exercise for researching UX on a niche audience

heartTalk Case Study

Project Scope

HeartTalk started out with a mission to bring accessibility for more inclusive mental health and well-being to a wider audience.

The application aimed to create a sense of community to show people that they are not alone in the challenges they face in life.

My role in this project was to work on Journey Mapping, Information Architecture, and the design of the User Interface with a focus on ease of accessibility.

hearttalk user flow
hearttalk Case Study
heart talk case study
hearttalk Moodboard
hearttalk logo
hearttalk Case Study
hearttalk case study
hearttalk case study
heart talk case study
hearttalk Case Study
hearttalk Case Study
hearttalk case study
hearttalk Case Study

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